SOCIAL STUDIES CLASS-V Lesson-4 Weather and Climate Weather is a temporary phenomenon. It changes everyday. It may change even during the same day. Sometimes a sunny weather in the morning turns cloudy or windy in the evening. Every day we watch the weather report on TV or read the weather forecast in the newspaper and plan our clothing and activities accordingly. Thus, weather is the condition of atmosphere at a particular place on particular day or time. The condition of air, temperature, wind, humidity and rainfall at a particular time determines the weather of that place. The climate is the sum total of the weather at a place over a very long period of time. The weather of a place may keep changing but the climate of a place remains more or less the same year after year. Weather data collected over several decades are used to make climate graphs. Factors influencing the climate The factors that influence the climate are: 1. Distance from the Equator The climate of a place is greatly influenced by its distance from the equator. The places near the equator are hotter because the rays of the sun fall vertically on the equator. Since the vertical rays cover a small area, they are more concentrated. That is why it is hot at the equator. As we move away from the equator towards the poles, the rays of the sun become slanting and spread over a larger area. This means that the heat is less concentrated, so it is cooler.
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