Weather and climate

Meaning of weather

- Weather is the condition of the atmosphere in a given place over a short period of time, usually 24 hours. 

- Here is a diagram with examples of different types of weather.

Meaning of climate

- Climate is the average weather usually taken over a 30-year time period for a particular region and time period. 

- Climate is not the same as weather, but rather, it is the average pattern of weather for a particular region.


Methods of observing weather.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods include observing the following:

  • Migration of certain types of birds. 

  •  Dew on the grass early in the morning

  • Presence of the full moon

Other methods include:

  • The croaking of frogs.
  • The direction and strength of the wind.
  • Different types of clouds present in the sky.
  • Different types of clouds in the sky.
  • Appearance and movement of ants.
  • Appearance of the rainbow.
  • Behaviour of cattle.
  • The shedding of leaves of some trees.
  • Appearance of thunder and lightning.
  • Flowering of certain trees.
  • Appearance of whirlwind in the dry season.


Modern methods of observing

- Modern methods of observing weather provide us with weather information in our country as well as other countries.

- This is important for people traveling from one country to another.
Such information can be obtained from satellites.


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